Salmon Host Commonwealth Youth Ministers


Salmon Youth Centre was invited by the The National Youth Agency to host a site visit for the 10th Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting taking place at Salmon on the 11th September 2023, from 1-3pm.

The Commonwealth Youth Ministers Meeting is a significant international conference held every four years to find solutions for youth policy on the global stage, spark opportunities for collaboration and discuss the challenges facing young people and youth work across the Commonwealth countries. Chaired by the Government of Pakistan, organised by the Commonwealth Secretariat and supported by the National Youth Agency, the week will bring together up to 40 government ministers from different Commonwealth nations for a meeting together in London.

The theme of the event is Aiming Higher for Young People Everywhere. There are four themes:

  1. Education
  2. Employment
  3. Environment
  4. Engagement

This high-profile gathering was a wonderful opportunity to spotlight our work at Salmon. The staff team gave the Minister’s a tour of the building and then presented their work. They spoke passionately about why they believe in excellent youth work. It was a fantastic opportunity to share learning between the commonwealth countries.

Leigh Middleton,  CEO at The National Youth Agency commented- “Thank you so much for hosting. The ministers commented all evening how great you guys are”


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