Why I love being a Trustee: Dean’s Blog
Dean Pusey has been a Salmon Trustee for over three years. Here he shares why his passion for Salmon, and young people in general, is here to stay...
What do I most enjoy about being a Salmon Trustee? It’s about the young people!
One of the things I love is a purpose-built youth centre in South East London continuing on over a century of tradition in a part of London that is ever-changing with buildings and people. A centre whose heart is still to work with young people during change and transformation, whilst sharing Christ as a core value, as well as great practice of values and principles of youth work. I love that I am a Trustee with this place, now in the 21st century.
I have enjoyed meeting with fellow Trustees, learning about leadership and contributing to the aims and objectives of the Salmon Youth Centre. Discerning what’s next in sustaining and enhancing the work has been exciting, as well as sharing time with staff and young people and seeing development and growth with skilled colleagues and committed skilled staff, who are our best assets.
Lastly, but most importantly, the young people – without whom our work would not exist – still come to a place that is a safe sanctuary to explore their potential of life and sometimes faith.
My best moments have been sharing in grief and joy with staff and young people – whether grieving a beloved staff member, or eating food and laughing at a Christian Festival in the summer. It is in being a presence at Salmon and being in a relationship that has been energising.
I hope to continue the journey with this amazing place in my hometown of South East London. I love to encourage all that goes on in the name of Christ.
My best moments have been sharing in grief and joy with staff and young people -
whether grieving a beloved staff member or eating food and laughing at a Christian Festival in the summer.